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Coronavirus Detection Kit



SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection has been declared a pandemic by WHO.
• This infection manifests by high fever, shortness of breath and dry cough in infected patients, and has a high mortality rate.
• Although some patients have very mild symptoms, many patients require hospitalization and transfer to ICU.
• The most effective way of combatting this pandemic is through self-quarantine, social distancing and extensive testing.
• There are two main test methods that are available for SARS-CoV-2, the rapid method which takes 15 minutes has approximately 10% false positive/false negative rate.
• The most accurate method of testing for SARS-CoV-2 is through qPCR in a laboratory.
How is SENTELIGO qPCR Test different from others?
• Eryigit is the leading synthetic biology company of Turkey and has been producing qPCR primers and probes since 2011, with more than ten-thousand references.
• Among the 7 qPCR protocols released by WHO, Eryigit chose USA-CDC protocol; however, our scientists quickly realized the risk of false negative detection due to dimer-dimer problems in this protocol. So, we developed an optimized kit that overcame this problem.
• Unlike many other companies, Eryigit produces every single component of its kit by itself, reducing the risk of mistakes during production.
• Our qPCR kits have over 99% accuracy.
• Senteligo SARS-CoV-2 qPCR Detection Kit also has a fully synthetic and non-pathogenic positive control which eliminates the possibility of false negative results due to enzymatic problems.


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